Home » Buildings with architectural interest in Germany

Buildings with architectural interest in Germany

alapontasins.com organizes trips for professional groups from several working areas (architecture, fine arts, engineering, civil engineering, etc) to the cities of Hamburg, Wolfsburg and Berlin in Germany.

There we will visit the following buildings:

  • Hafencity, a new and modern area at the port area of Hamburg.
  • Autostadt,  Headquarters of the car company Volkswagen in Wolfsburg.
  • Bauhaus Museum, Museum of the architectural school Bauhaus in Berlin.
  • Bundestag. German Government. Visit of the dome.
  • Bauhaus buildings all over the city of Berlin.
  • Sony Center,  Headquarters of the Berlin Cinema Festival.

Group members: 20 participants.

Limited number of places available.

Travel conditions

The final price of the trip includes the flight ticket, stay at the hotel (breakfast included) the moves to the cities and headquarters and the entrance tickets to the buildings and companies. In order to book the visits to the different headquarters with sufficient time, you should register 2 months before the beginning of the trip and the deadline for the payment is 2 weeks before the beginning of the trip.




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alapontasins.com organizes a trip to the cities of Utie … Buildings with architectural interest in Germany 查看全文